The Silly Season is upon us with a vengeance and no doubt your flat out brewing, kegging, bottling and selling you socks off before you can put the feet up and take a load off over the festive season. With all those functions and presents to organise we thought you might like to kick back relax with a cold beer and read the BeerCo Brewing News for Decembeer so here we go...What a year we have had at BeerCo taking possession of new digs at
BeerCo Warehouse and a new co-worker Greg on board and some fantastic talks to great clubs around the country including a recent talk to
Inner Sydney Brewers at Atlassian followed by a talk about Hops at
Queensland Homebrewers Conference in October.We are also thrilled to have
sponsored so many clubs and competitions with the generous help of our supply partners
Gladfield Malt and
GigaYeast as well and for those clubs and comp winners we wish you well on your brewing journey.Last but not least we managed to squeeze in a special collab brew day with Andrew @
StassBrewing where we tested side by side the
Grainfather Connect vs.
Robobrew with Pump brewing up a Blood Orange DIPA with a special guest drop and watch more on that and the recipe up on the
PS Rest assured we will not be resting over the festive season. Unless there is a public holiday or family feast we will be picking and packing and dispatching your precious
Gladfield Malt +
Hops +
GigaYeast to keep you brewing like a pro!
Until the Hoppy New Beer - cheers #brewhappy always and thanks for your wonderful support in 2017.
We love you all and together we are all curing this world of beer poverty one good brew at a time! What are you waiting for? Read on...then get your Brewing On!

Gladfield Vienna Malt is a favourite go to malt at BeerCo often used in a variety of beer styles to add some extra malt layering of complexity and sweet malty character with light toast flavour.
Cut into your favourite Pilsner recipe at around 15% or a hoppy Pale Ale or IPA at up to equivalent levels of your go to base malt and you will notice the extra sweetness and complexity nicely offsets the hops and gives a beautiful colour and mouth feel.
Gladfield Vienna has a kiwi twist but still has the normal characteristics of your typical Vienna malt. The germination and kilning allows a sweeter maltier character with out over doing it. It is ideal for darker lagers or Marzen style beers.
Gladfield Vienna malt goes well with Gladiator Malt and Toffee Malt giving a big white head and lovely golden lager for that drinkable session beer.
Complimentary malts
- Moisture (%) Max 5 Typical Analysis 3.5
- Extract – Fine Dry min % 79 Typical Analysis 80.5
- Extract – Coarse Dry Typical Analysis 79
- Extract – Fine As-is Typical Analysis 78
- Extract – Coarse As-is Typical Analysis 77
- Saccharification time 10 Typical Analysis 10
- Odour Typical Analysis normal
- Colour (wort) 6.5-8.5 Typical Analysis 6.8
- Total Nitrogen (%) 1.6-1.8 Typical Analysis 1.65
- Kolbach Index 37-43 Typical Analysis 40
- pH 5.6-5.9 Typical Analysis 5.9
- Diastatic Power (WK) min. 200 Typical Analysis 210
- FAN (mg/l) min 120 Typical Analysis 140
Typical Uses & Styles:
- Marzen
- Pilsner
- Vienna Lager
Usage Rate Guidance:
Package, Price and Availability Options:
Megan November 6, 2017
Lovely malt, perfect for 100% use in a Vienna lager I just made – seems slightly maltier in flavour profile than Weyermann alternative. I’ll definitely be using this again.
Cashmere was released by Washington State University in 2013. A daughter of Cascade, it includes Northern Brewer germplasm through the male parent. The alpha acid content of Cashmere is higher than Cascade. Cashmere contains no Farnesene and twice as much Humulene as Cascade
Brewing Usage
Cashmere really shines when used for aroma and flavor in hop-forward styles, or where the intensity of its exotic tropical notes will complement sour, fruited, or funky ales.
Its respectable alpha content combined with low co-humulone lets it contribute smooth bitterness if used early in the boil.
Aroma & Flavour Characteristics
Tropical coconut, peach and tangerine filled out the aroma, while a similar flavor profile paired coconut, melon, tangerine and lemongrass.
Analytical Data
- Crop Year: 2016
- Lot ID: CSM-0601
- Alpha Acid 6.4 %
- Beta Acid 5.2%
- HSI 0.279
- Total Oil 1.1 mL/100g
- Co-humulone 22%
- Colupulone 40%
- Terpene Breakdown
- a-Pinene 0.06%
- b-Pinene 0.81%
- Caryophyllene 11.91%
- Citral 2.04%
- Farnesene 0.5%
- Geraniol 0.3%
- Humulene 28.16%
- Limonene 0.09%
- Linalool 0.28%
- Myrcene 37.34%
- p-Cymene 0.29%
- Terpinolene 0.00%
- Unidentified 18.22%
Style Guidance:
IPA all the way. Pair this with exotic Mosaic for an absolute tropical hop bomb.
BeerCo Customer Reviews on Cashmere:
Muzza October 24, 2017
Wow..used this as a bittering addition and teamed with mosaic for late and keg additions.. One helluva cocktail there. Next run I will pop some super pride or similar in for the bittering but that could become my ironclad IPA right there
Fergus reviewed BeerCo – 5 star 26 November at 16:50 ·
Bought some of the new cashmere hop. Awesome flavours of pine and citrus
One batch I dry hopped with cashmere and mosaic and this is an absolute winner
The other batch I straight cashmere with no dry hop - wonderful taste too
Pack & Price
GigaYeast Portland Hefe GY020 from the famous American Hefeweizen creates a delicious cloudy wheat beer with negligible amounts of Banana and clove flavor. Used to make a famous American Wheat Beer. Creates a clean tasting crisp brew with just a hint of banana and spice. Very low flocculation means a hazy beer true to the hefe style.
Attenuation Medium Gravity*
Attenuation High Gravity*
- 44% – 47% (5.5% – 6.0% ABV)
Temperature Range†:
Recommended Styles:
- American Wheat Beer
- Weizenbock
- Dunkelweizen
- Hefeweizen
- Available in Gold Pitches for 25 L Homebrews RRP $14.95 Incl. GST Special Price $9.95 incl GST save 33%
- Also available in Pro-Pitches for the Professional Brewer drop shipped from GigaYeast Laboratory to your Brewery Lab to Brewery Door in 6-8 days using DHL Global Express tracked all the way
Splash out its Christmas - buy that special piece of equipment you have been saving for all year or tell your special someone to buy it for you. Do not be disappointed and wait for the New Year - get your brewing on during the holidays.
We will even throw in the shipping to get it to you fast and free if you order now on the following 5 go to essentials in your brewery....did someone say FREE SHIPPING!!!
Decembeer Featured Products
The Grainfather is your ultimate all in one brewing system to make beer from grain. FREE SHIPPING to all customers in Australia and you can take your pick of one of our popular BeerCo Recipe Kits and we will throw one in for FREE as well.
RoboBrew – with Pump – 35L All in One Brewery – FREE SHIPPING AU WIDE $594.99 Incl. GST Add to cart
This awesome little Aussie designed Robobrew 35 L micro-brewery with a Pump is the complete turnkey solution for those who are looking to get into all grain brewing.
Malt Mechanics fermenters are the only plastic home-brewing conical which come fully featured with tri-clamp fittings and stainless steel valves in 1/2″ for the take-off, and 1″ for the yeast-dump. The fermenters are suitable for transferring beer under pressure and come with everything you need to get your beer fermenting right out of the box.
Rated 5.00 out of 5 $289.95 Incl. GST Add to cart
Mill like a pro with the Mill Master Grain Mill – the only geared roller mill on the market. Brew when you want to brew with fresh cracked grains using hardened 420 Stainless Steel Fluted Rollers. Mill Master Geared 2 Roller Grain Mill feature cutting edge design with good old fashioned reliability so you can mill your heart out and brew like a pro with consistent crush with a fully adjustable precision mill.
Crown Urns include a range of built in features that place them at the top of the list of entry level all grain homebrewers acquisitions. Suitable for use as a Hot Liquor tank or for a full B.I.A.B. (Brew in a Bag) mash / kettle. Manufactured locally in Melbourne, Australia and exported around the world Crown Urns are a trusted friend to many an Aussie Home brewer for many years. Crown Industries Heavy Duty Hot Water Urn has a large 40 Litre capacity with a concealed element and safety cut off switch set to a higher 150 degrees Celsius to avoid element burn out whilst maintaining a healthy robust boil for the homebrewer. FREE SHIPPING AU WIDE |
We love getting our brewing on at BeerCo and when a great customer and friend suggested we do a side by side brew day in the name of research and exploration of new and exciting brewing equipment comparing the Grainfather Connect vs. Robobrew v 2.0 (with Pump)we could not resist or hide our excitement.
Special thanks to Andrew @Stass Brewing for his great suggestion and beering with us as we found a mutually free date for the brew day as we set about the most important thing of coming up with a beer and recipe to brew on the day!
As luck would have it the Oranges in the back garden were plump and juicy and screaming at me “throw me in an IPA and Pulp me!”
So Pulp them we did!
Andrew @Stass Brewing got to work on the recipe and I reached out to a friend in our local craft brewing industry who I knew could point us in the right direction.
Alana Rees – Innovation Brewer @MountainGoatBeer gave us some excellent tips and pointers as we set out to brew an IPA with Oranges inspired by her own marvelous creations Mountain Goat Beer Pulped Fiction IPA.
This strictly limited edition Rare Breed based was based on one of Alana’s old homebrew recipes and the commercial release took out a couple of Gold Medals at AIBA2017including best draught IPA.
Ever so helpful and with Alana’s guidance Andrew and myself put our own twists and peels on her award winning recipe as we set about designing a homebrew recipe we are more than glad to share with you below:
Pulp Fan Fiction DIPA – Recipe
Vital Stats: Beer Smith Predicted
Brew Vol: |
23 litres |
Boil Size: |
29 Litres |
OG |
18 plato |
Boil Time: |
80 mins |
FG |
4 plato |
End of Boil Vol: |
25 Litres |
80 |
Final Vol: |
21 Litres |
8 |
Efficiency: |
78% |
8.70% |
- Mash grains at 67° C for 60 mins. Mash out for 10 minutes at 78C
- Sparge with 11.7 Litres of Water at 76 C. 2) Boil for 75-90 minutes, adding the first hops so that they boil for 60 minutes and the secondary additions from 15 minutes to end of boil.
- Pitch with an 1-2L of GigaYeast GY001 Nor Cal Ale #1 Strain or 2 x Gold Pitches
- Ferment at 18-21° C
- Add 200mL Blood Orange Juice and dry hops (45g of Citra and 45g of Mosaic) post primary fermentation and 3 days or 72 hours prior to racking or kegging.
- Keg or Bottle as per your normal process target a keg carbonation of 12.5 psi
- Condition for 4 weeks and enjoy responsibly – Prost!
Sources of Inspiration: Mountain Goat Beer | Pulped Fiction Blood Orange IPA
Special tanks to Andrew @Stass Brewing and Alana @Mountain Goat Beer who kindly dropped by with a bottle of Mountain Goat Beer latest Rare Breed: Back to the Brewer Double Steam Ale another mighty fine beer indeed!
Here is Stass Brewing amazing video work done simultaneously to brewing an amazing beer!
Hat’s off to Andrew @Stass Brewing – we love your work!
Head on over to his YouTube or BrewTube channel to watch some of his other informative and entertaining videos on brewing and drinking beer! |
Want to see how to brew on the Grainfather with Connect Controller v Robobrew with Pump watch this video with Andrew brewing up a Blood Orange Double IPA! |
Decembeer – December 2017 – BeerCo Brewing News