We focus on what we are good at so we can achieve our mission of searching the globe for your brewing and distilling satisfaction finding, securing and procuring the world's finest brewing and distilling ingredients and equipment and bringing them to your brewery door as fast and efficiently as humanly possible always with an emphasis on premium quality products and superior customer service.

Dermott Dowling | Founder | Managing Director
Dermott is responsible for representing BeerCo.com.au to our valuable supply partners, retail partners, customers and friends. An avid homebrewer and craft beer and spirits drinker Dermott uses his expertise in sales and marketing, distribution and international business to bring superior quality premium brewing and distilling materials to quality focused home and craft brewers and distillers.
Dermott is a proud father to two young brewers and distillers Mazzy (aka Malt) and Lola (aka Hop), loves tending the out of control hops and fruit trees in his garden and getting out for a run, hike or mountain bike happy whenever he can.
Nothing thrills Dermott more than talking to customers or spending time with growers, supply partners and makers understanding what they do so please feel free to reach out anytime to say g'day.
Favourite Malt
Favourite Hops
Favourite Yeast
Favourite Beer Styles
Favourite Spirits
- Mezcal/Tequila
- Whisky
- Rum
Current Brewing & Distilling Systems
- Guten 50L Single Vessel Microbrewery (SV)
- AlcoEngine Column and Pot Still and 35L Boiler
- Dreams of a 4V HERMS - 120L or 1 US BBL on a stand so he can Brew Anything Like a Pro! System - Still Saving for it!$:-)
Favourite Sports Teams

Jarryd Clough | Warehouse Leader | Head Distiller
Jarryd joined the BeerCo team with a wealth of experience and leadership skills developed from working in retail liquor warehouse and distribution having worked as a rising star at Dan Murphy's | Woolworths Group and in licenced hospitality.
Jarryd also has extensive past experience sorting out storerooms, warehousing, pick n pack n dispatch and receivals. A fast starter Jarryd has already whipped the BeerCo.com.au warehouse and team into shape and leads the fulfilment charge keeping our orders going out fast and our shelves well stocked!
Jarryd shares our strong passion for sustainability with an education in environmental science and is constantly looking for smarter ways to save the environment and reduce our footprints on our prescious planet earth!
If Jarryd is not busy picking, packing, dispatching, receiving or ordering your precious Brewing and Distilling supplies he is out on the trails running hard or on the hockey pitch as a gun mid-fielder for Hume HC. Besides running and hockey Jarryd's interested inclue music, gardening, travel (when permitted) and cruising around in his 1931 A-Model Ford.
Jarryd has taken to brewing and distilling like a fish to water. If its ever quiet in the warhouse and that is not often he is busy brewing or distilling happy and loves to dig deep on how to make the best beer and spirit possible!
Favourite Malt
Favourite Hops
Favourite Yeast
Favourite Beer Styles
- IPA preferably Hazy!
Favourite Spirits:
- American Style Whiskey done well preferably by Jarryd!
Current Brewing & Distilling Systems:
- Guten 50L Single Vessel Brewery - dreams of G40 we need it now!
- AlcoEngine Pot and Colum Stills - not quite there yet...still searching....
Favourite Sports Teams:

Jimmy Emin | Warehouse Co-Worker
Jimmy joined us back in Oct 22 and has become another highly valued member of the BeerCo team. He's the current record holder for the most recipe kits in one day with 23 and he didn't even break a sweat! Always up for the challenge and a lover of fine meads you can check out all his handiwork over under our Mead Kits.
Jimmy shares our work ethic for getting S#!T done and boxes and pallets out the door. If he's busy he's happy! If he is not busy he would rather be hanging out making noise on his drum kit or catching up with friends over some fine liquid libations.
Favourite Malt
Favourite Hops
Favourite Yeast
Favourite Beer Styles
Favourite Spirits:
- Irish and Scottish Style Whisky
Current Brewing System:
Jimmy is sweating it out Guten 50L which sorely needs upgrading to the G40
Favourite Sports Teams:
- Buffalo Sabres
- Buffalo Bills
- Denver Nuggets