Merri Mashers IPA COMPETITION 2023 | 26 March 2023
Dermott Dowling
The Merri Mashers homebrew club are proud to announce the running of the 2023 MASHERS IPA COMPETITION!!!
Let's get right to the details:
Let's get right to the details:
Sunday the 26th of March - Judging (and kick arse awards after party from 5pm)
Saturday the 11th of March - Online entry submission deadline 11am
Saturday the 18th of March - Entries must be dropped off by 11am
Once again we will be holding our event at The Woodlands Hotel in Coburg. If you haven’t been to The Woodlands it’s a great pub on Sydney Road and they’ve been really supportive of the Mashers over the last three years.
We will once again be live streaming the awards ceremony via the Merri Mashers public Facebook profile. However, you can also join us at The Woodlands from 5pm in person to cheer on the place getters and to have a beer with other homebrewers and some of our sponsors. There will also be a number of cool door prizes for those who come down. If planning to watch the livestream from home keep an eye on the Masher's public facebook page for the link and timing.
We will be judging according to the BJCP 2021 guidelines, including the additions of Brut and Hazy IPAs. Prizes will be awarded by style.
12C - English IPA - Guidelines
21A - American IPA - Guidelines
21B - Belgian IPA - Guidelines
21B - Black IPA - Guidelines
21B - Brown IPA - Guidelines
21B - Brut IPA - Guidelines
21B - Red IPA - Guidelines
21B - Rye IPA - Guidelines
21B - Specialty IPA (Otherwize not listed) - Guidelines
21B - White IPA - Guidelines
21C - Hazy IPA - Guidelines
22A - Double IPA - Guidelines
Entries must be at least 500ml in a single bottle or can.
Love Homebrewing? Then why not volunteer to judge or steward? These volunteer roles can be a lot of fun and no experience is necessary as we will make sure any new or inexperienced judges are seated with those who can assist. We also look after our generous volunteers by making sure they get a free parma (or diet friendly alternative) at the lunch break.
The last couple of years we’ve had a morning judging session and an afternoon judging session. We anticipate this year being the same but we will confirm closer to the date.
If you are interested in signing up to volunteer, please fill out this online form:
Judges and Stewards Sign Up Form
Judges and Stewards Sign Up Form
Please drop your beers off by 11am on Saturday the 18th of march at one of the following locations:
Grain & Grape (5/280 Whitehall Street, Yarraville)
Australian Home Brewing (4 Eskay Road, Oakleigh South)
Keg King (48 Smith Road, Springvale)
Greensborough Home Brewing (29 Beewar Street, Greensborough)
Postal entries can be sent to Grain & Grape, clearly marked for Merri Mashers IPA competition.
Grain & Grape (5/280 Whitehall Street, Yarraville)
Australian Home Brewing (4 Eskay Road, Oakleigh South)
Keg King (48 Smith Road, Springvale)
Greensborough Home Brewing (29 Beewar Street, Greensborough)
Postal entries can be sent to Grain & Grape, clearly marked for Merri Mashers IPA competition.
If you have any further questions please reach out to the committee via info@merrimashers.org