Merri Mashers IPA Competition | Sun 24 March 2024
Dermott Dowling
It’s that time of year again. The smell of hops is in the air. It must be time for THE 2024 MERRI MASHER’S IPA COMPETITION!!!
Firstly, thank you to Hop Products Australia (HPA) for being our major event sponsor. Not only are they a very fitting sponsor for such a hoppy comp, but without their support this comp would look very different!
Saturday the 9th of March – Online entry submission and deadline is 11am
Saturday the 16th of March - Entries must be dropped off by 11am
Sunday the 24th of March – Judging and awards party
As with the last several years the judging and awards party will be held at The Woodlands Hotel in Coburg. Dave and the crew at The Woodlands run a great pub with an awesome beer garden, a sweet tap list and amazing food (judges and stewards will see what I mean as they get a free lunch for volunteering).
Entries can be submitted NOW via the entry portal. This year it’s $11 per entry and each one needs to be at least 500ml and in a single bottle or can.
NOTE: We may need to cap entries if it looks like we will exceed our judging capacity. If we're getting close we will communicate this via this page and the Masher's public Facebook page.
We will once again be live streaming the awards ceremony via the Merri Mashers public Facebook profile. However, we’re encouraging EVERYONE to join us in person at The Woodlands from 5pm to cheer on the place getters and have a beer with other homebrewers and some of our sponsors (some of which have put up a heap of cool door prizes). If you’re planning to watch the livestream from home keep an eye on the Mashers Facebook page for the link and timing. We're aiming to start the livestream at 5:30pm but we will post if we need to nudge this time a little on the day.
We will be judging according to the BJCP 2021 guidelines including the additions of Brut and Hazy IPAs. Prizes will be awarded by style and these are the style in competition:
12C - English IPA – Sponsored by Bluestone Yeast
21A - American IPA – Sponsored by BeerCo.com.au
21B - Belgian IPA – Sponsored by Grain and Grape
21B - Black IPA – Sponsored by Keg King
21B - Brown IPA - Sponsored by Hawkers
21B - Brut IPA - Sponsored by 3 Ravens
21B - Red IPA - Sponsored by Bintani Australia
21B - Rye IPA - Sponsored by The Great Beyond
21B - Specialty IPA (Otherwise not listed) - Sponsored by Co-Conspirators Brewing
21B - White IPA - Sponsored by Stomping Ground
21C - Hazy IPA - Sponsored by Carwyn Cellars
22A - Double IPA - Sponsored by Bintani Australia
We also have the BIG awards for:
Champion Brewer - Sponsored by Bintani Australia
Champion Beer - Sponsored by Tallboy and Moose
Best Novice - Sponsored by Keg King
Club of Show - Sponsored by Voyager Craft Malt
Love Homebrewing? Then why not volunteer to judge or steward? These volunteer roles can be a lot of fun and no experience is necessary as we will make sure any new or inexperienced judges are seated with those who can assist. We also look after our generous volunteers by making sure they get a free parma (or diet friendly alternative) at the lunch break.
There will be two judging sessions; a morning session and an afternoon one. You can volunteer for one, the other, or both.
To register as a judge or steward please click here.
Please drop your beers off by 11am on Saturday the 16th of March. Drop off locations are currently being locked in and will be posted here closer to the event.
If you have any further questions please reach out to the Merri Mashers committee via info@merrimashers.org
2023 results
2022 results
2021 results
2020 was cancelled due to Covid
2019 results
2018 results
2016 results (Specialty IPA Comp)
2023 awards recording
2022 awards recording
2021 awards recording
BeerCo.com.au are proud sponsors again for Merri Mashers IPA Comp 2024 and wish all the entrants, judges and volunteers all the best for a great competition! May the best beer win! cheers #brewhappy #comphappy #clubhappy always