Chop | Ocean Freight Supply Chain Crisis 2022
Dermott Dowling
Chop is fine. Trust me. Chop is fine. Is chop fine, Captain Ted?
Jordan Belfort | The Wolf of Wall Street | 2013
If you are like us, you are probably wondering when this covid19 pandemic influenced global shipping crisis is coming to an end? Just like the virus, skyrocketing shipping costs, shipping delays and supply chain headaches keep coming at all of us harder and faster with each and every year.
I wish like Captain Ted in the movie, I could reassure you all it will be fine in 2022 but like you I don't want to see your ship or our ship go down under the weight and cost of sky high sea-freight shipping costs and lengthy supply chain delays.
So, we reached out to people who know a lot more about the dynamics of global shipping right now thank you - DHL and TOLL to share some forecasts and in short here they are...
- Things will get worse before they get better
- Unlikely to be any relief in sea-freight prices and we will see more lengthy delays in transit times in 2022
- Will be mid 2023 earliest before we see some easing on sea-freight rates
- Sea Freight rates will not return to pre-pandemic levels
- We all have to sail through some more choppy seas before calmer waters return
For those with an interest in finding out more reasons for the underlying issues in the sea-freight industry right now please read and watch the following webinars, TV shows and read the following presentations. We are here to share what we know so that you and we can adapt and continue to grow.
Our sourcing strategies at BeerCo.com.au are changing to adapt to the NEW! covid global normal and we encourage all our trade customers to reach out to us and communicate with us early all about your current and future brewing and distilling needs as far in advance as possible so we can assist you where possible to secure, procure and deliver your supplies in 2022.
If you have any brewing or distilling needs that rely on ocean freight in 2022 please talk to us now and do not hesitate to reach out to us at Service@BeerCo.com.au anytime to talk about your Brewing and Distilling supply needs.
Future Logistics Webinar – Ocean Freight Outlook 2022 from Toll Group on Vimeo.
Please note all information shared is a forecast and assessment of a dynamic changing global marketplace. BeerCo.com.au do not give any representations or make any predictions and share only what we know to be most relevant at the time of publishing this blog post. Please stay informed by reaching out to us and your global freight partners for the latest advice on global ocean freight.