BeerCo Inner Sydney Brewers Club Talk at Atlassian
Dermott Dowling
BeerCo talk to Inner Sydney Brewers at Atlassian on Quality Craft Malt + Hops + Yeast = Beer. We cover topics like why Gladfield Malt? How to spot good malt? Hops and how to spot good hop pellets? Yeast 101 and GigaYeast. We dive deep into a new flowable hop extract called FLEX™ from John i Haas and taste 3 different beers all brewed with the same ingredients and bittered to 3 different IBU levels using Flex. We taste Conan's American Pale Ale - APA then Jay's IPA India Pale Ale then Barls iIPA imperial India Pale Ale. The talk was a lot of fun and engaging with a good in depth QandA.