Idaho IPA - Can Your Brew It - Homebrew Recipe
Dermott Dowling
Unless you have been sleeping under a rock somewhere outside the craft beer universe there has been a lot of talk about Hops and IPA of late and even more talk about a host of new experimental varieties hitting the market. As brewers (home or pro), we are always searching for that next illusive hop — that great new aroma and hop complexity — to experience something new and unique. Idaho #7™ hop is one of those hops.
One of the newest US Hop varieties that has only just landed Idaho #7™ is an experimental variety from Jackson Hop Farm in Wilder ID, first released in 2015. Some of the early flavour and aroma descriptors and characters coming out of craft brewers’ usage in the United States for this hop include:
- Pungent tropical fruit and citrus (think apricot, orange, red grapefruit, papaya) with big notes of resin pine and hints of black tea.
- Tropical-fruit characteristics, with aromas of ripe papaya and marmalade
Idaho#7 IPA
Selected Style and BJCP Guidelines
- 14B-India Pale Ale(IPA)-American IPA
Vital Stats:
- SG: 1.063 | FG: 1.009
- Expected ABV: 7%
- Expected IBU: 55 IBU
- Expected Colour: 13 EBC | 7 SRM
- Mash Efficiency: 70 %
- Boil Duration: 60 mins
- Fermentation Temperature: 18 degrees Celsius
Ingredient Amount %
- Gladfield American Ale 4.95 kg 80 %
- Gladfield Gladiator 0.65 kg 10 %
- Gladfield Light Crystal 0.65 kg 10 %
- Total Grain Bill 6.25 kg 100%
Variety Alpha Amount IBU Form When
- Crosby Nugget 13.9 % 20 gm 32 Loose Pellet Hops First Wort Hopped
- Idaho #7 14.3 % 20 gm 12 Loose Pellet Hops 10 Min from End of Boil
- Crosby Chinook 13.4 % 20 gm 11 Loose Pellet Hops 10 Min from End of Boil
- Idaho #7 14.3 % 60 gm 0 Loose Pellet Hops Dry-Hopped at 3g/L after primary fermentation for 72 hours, feel free to double dry hop with two lots of 2g/L for another 72 hours if you prefer your IPA double-dry hopped.
- DRY: 2 x Sachets of Fermentis Safale US-05 or you could use Danstar BRY-97 US West Coast Ale yeast – this will produce a very dry West Coast Style IPA.
- LIQUID: GigaYeast Nor Cal Ale #1 GY001 for a dry West Coast Style IPA or if you want an aromatic yeasty East Coast Style IPA you could use GigaYeast Vermont IPA GY054
- Mash – the brewer should do normal mash regime, mashing at 66 C for at least 65 mins
- Sparge – once again the brewer should do normal regime at around 76C
- Boil – vigorous boil for 60 mins
- Hops: Add 20g of Nugget or clean bittering hops @60 mins, 20g of Idaho 7 and 20g of Chinook @10 mins
- Pitch Yeast & Fermentation – Aerate well and ferment at 18C until FG is reached or terminal gravity is table for two days.
- Yeast off and dry hop after primary for 72 hours with 3g/L of Idaho 7. If your fancy is double dry hopped AIPA then dry hop with 2g/L for 72 hours followed by a second dry hop of 2g/L for another 72 hours.
- Crash chill and bottle or keg as normal.
- Mature for 10 days before carbonating.