Storytime with Gabi & Doug Michael @GladfieldMalt
Dermott Dowling
In front of every good man there is an even greater woman. Spend some time getting to know 'the better half' of @Gladfield Malt and what it takes to grow a family business from the 'grain' up!
Starting your own business is hard to do in your home country, let alone half way around the world in a different country where they speak a different language. Enjoy the following podcast/interview of 15 mins with Gabi Michael - Co-Founder @Gladfield Malt NZ and @JonoCorfe
Why sell your 5th generation home grown finest pure malting barley from Canterbury, NZ to the world's largest malting company from France when you can malt it yourself? That's what Co-Founder & Director Doug Michael thought back in 2003 when he decided to venture past the farmgate in Malting his own barley. Here is a look back and forward in 15 mins with Doug Michael @Gladifield Malt & @JonoCorfe