Catch you in the RYE! Gladfield Rye Malt is here! NEW LIMITED RELEASE!!!

Catch you in the RYE! Gladfield Rye Malt is here! NEW LIMITED RELEASE!!!

Dermott Dowling
BeerCoAu and Gladfield Malt are very pleased to announce the release of the limited release Gladfield RYE malt as Gladfield Malt next development in craft malting. Gladfield Rye Malt is grown on the lush Canterbury plains of New Zealand alongside all other quality Gladfield Craft Malt. Traditional brewing ingredients such as Rye offer the brewer the ability to add a unique element to a modern beer style such as the ever popular RIPA. or RRIPA - the Rye IPA or Red Rye IPA! Brewers please note that Rye does not have a husk and is high in beta-glucan, so it can create a stuck mash if added in excessive amounts without adjuncts such as rice hulls to assist the mash conversion.  Used carefully you will find that Gladfield Rye Malt gives you the edge you need to create a memorable beer for friends to enjoy. When you chose Gladfield Rye Malt think ‘balance with complexity.’ Tradition has long fueled innovation in the craft beer community from ancient ales through to modern takes on old styles.  Rye was a traditional ingredient popular in Bavaria before the German Beer Purity Law of 1516, the Reinheitsgebot, that declared only malted barley, hops and water were permissible as brewing ingredients in beer (the significant role of yeast was still unknown). The prominent style of rye beer in Bavaria prior to the enforcement of this law was Roggenbier, literally ‘rye beer,’ with its grainy and spicy flavours, and naturally unfiltered, cloudy appearance. Rye was also the key ingredient in the Finnish ‘Sahti’ beer which was flavoured with juniper berries. Rye malt is a versatile adjunct (addition) that offers brewers scope for developing complex and balanced new beers. Although typically only used as a small percentage of the grain bill, Rye malt is not a shy ingredient and brings its own unique personality to your beer, working in harmony with other malts and hops. When included in a brew, rye lends many iconic characteristics that can contribute to brewing a memorable beer. Flavours such as grainy, spicy, earthy and dry, are prominent when a rye component is added. Rye also adds colour to the beer ranging from straw, through copper to dark brown. A rye addition also adds body and mouth feel to your beer. We intend to share some recipes brewed by us and you using Gladfield Rye Malt over time so stay tuned.  In the meantime to get you started if you want to make a RRIPA - Red Rye IPA - here is a grain bill and rough and ready home brewing recipe to get you started and builds/edits always welcome - brew malty, hoppy, yeasty and happy :-)

Catcher in the Red Rye IPA - BeerCo Recipe

Gladfield Malt Bill % & Kg

38%  2.25 Gladfield American Ale Malt 33%  2.00 Gladfield Vienna Malt 10%  0.60 Gladfield Rye Malt 10%  0.60 Gladfield Shepherds Delight Malt 4%    0.25 Gladfield Light Crystal Malt 4%    0.25 Gladfield Aurora Malt 1%     0.05 Gladfield Light Chocolate Malt 100% 6.00kg



-------- 0.75 Whirlfloc @ 10 min.  or Irish Moss 1/2 tab 0.50 tsp Yeast Nutrient @ 10 min.




Fermentis Safale US-05 or Danstar BRY-97 West Coast Ale Yeast

Water Profile

Profile: Adjust your local water profile to reflect WA, USA or Hoppy IPAs

Mash & Fermentation Schedule

1. Mash in at 145 °F (63 °C) then ramp temperature to 152 °F (67 °C) for conversion. Mash out to 170 °F (77 °C). 2. Boil for 90 minutes, adding hops at the times indicated in the ingredient list. 3. Boil wort for 90 minutes, adding hops at times indicated. 4. Whirlpool the wort and let it sit for 15 minutes prior to cooling. Chill wort and transfer to fermenter. Aerate well and pitch sediment from yeast starter. 5. Ferment at 68 °F (20 °C). At end of fermentation, dry hop and hold warm for 3 days, then chill to 34 °F (1.1 °C) and age for a week. Sources: and