Pulp Fan Fiction DIPA - System Wars - Brew Day - Beer Recipe - Video

Pulp Fan Fiction DIPA - System Wars - Brew Day - Beer Recipe - Video

Dermott Dowling
We love getting our brewing on at BeerCo and when a great customer and friend suggested we do a side by side brew day in the name of research and exploration of new and exciting brewing equipment comparing the Grainfather Connect vs. Robobrew v 2.0 (with Pump) we could not resist or hide our excitement. Special thanks to Andrew @Stass Brewing for his great suggestion and beering with us as we found a mutually free date for the brew day as we set about the most important thing of coming up with a beer and recipe to brew on the day! As luck would have it the Oranges in the back garden were plump and juicy and screaming at me "throw me in an IPA and Pulp me!"             So Pulp them we did! Andrew @Stass Brewing got to work on the recipe and I reached out to a friend in our local craft brewing industry who I knew could point us in the right direction. Alana Rees - Innovation Brewer @MountainGoatBeer   gave us some excellent tips and pointers as we set out to brew an IPA with Oranges inspired by her own marvelous creations Mountain Goat Beer Pulped Fiction IPA. This strictly limited edition Rare Breed based was based on one of Alana's old homebrew recipes and the commercial release took out a couple of Gold Medals at AIBA2017 including best draught IPA. Here is a live QandA with Alana from the brew day where she talks to us about the beer and her life as a pro-brewer.
Ever so helpful and with Alana's guidance Andrew and myself put our own twists and peels on her award winning recipe as we set about designing a recipe we are more than glad to share with you below:

Pulp Fan Fiction DIPA - Recipe

Vital Stats: Beer Smith Predicted

Brew Vol: 23 litres Boil Size: 29 Litres
OG 18 plato Boil Time: 80 mins
FG 4 plato End of Boil Vol: 25 Litres
IBU 80 Final Vol: 21 Litres
SRM 8 Efficiency: 78%
ABV 8.70%





40% 2.90 American Ale 5
40% 2.90 Vienna 6.8
8% 0.58 Red Back Wheat 27
7% 0.50 Shepherds Delight 280
5% 0.38 Supernova 1350






Bittering: 30 Waimea  15.6% First Wort
Aroma: 25 Mosaic 11.8% 15 mins
25 Citra 14.0% 10 mins
25 Mosaic 11.8% 5 mins
30 Citra 14.0% Steep/Whirlpool
Dry Hop: 45 Mosaic 11.8% 3 days 2g/L
45 Citra 14.0% 3 days 2g/L
GigaYeast GY001 Nor Cal Ale #1 GigaYeast 2 gold pitches or 1L starter
Adjuncts: QTY Time Process
1 tab Deltafloc 15 mins from end of boil
Oranges 20g Fresh Orange Rind 10 mins from end of boil
1 tsp Yeast Nutrient 10 mins from end of boil
200ml Rossos Blood Orange Juice Day 5-7 secondary fermentation
Water: grams
15 Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) Mash
10 Calcium Carbonate
Lactic acid Mash PH 5.40
Mash: Temp: Time:
67C 60 mins
78C 10 mins


  1. Mash grains at 67° C for 60 mins.  Mash out for 10 minutes at 78C
  2. Sparge with 11.7 Litres of Water at 76 C. 2) Boil for 75-90 minutes, adding the first hops so that they boil for 60 minutes and the secondary additions from 15 minutes to end of boil.
  3. Pitch with an 1-2L of GigaYeast GY001 Nor Cal Ale #1 Strain or 2 x Gold Pitches
  4. Ferment at 18-21° C
  5. Add 200mL Blood Orange Juice and dry hops (45g of Citra and 45g of Mosaic) post primary fermentation and 3 days or 72 hours prior to racking or kegging.
  6. Keg or Bottle as per your normal process target a keg carbonation of 12.5 psi
  7. Condition for 4 weeks and enjoy responsibly - Prost!
Sources of Inspiration: Mountain Goat Beer | Pulped Fiction Blood Orange IPA Special tanks to Andrew @Stass Brewing and Alana @Mountain Goat Beer who kindly dropped by with a bottle of Mountain Goat Beer latest Rare Breed: Back to the Brewer Double Steam Ale another mighty fine beer indeed! Here is Stass Brewing amazing video work done simultaneously to brewing an amazing beer! Hat's off to Andrew @Stass Brewing - we love your work! Head on over to his YouTube or BrewTube channel to watch some of his other informative and entertaining videos on brewing and drinking beer!
Stay tuned in for a future tasting with Andrew @StassBrewing and more video to come...