The #WeFo Resistance Kolsch
Dermott Dowling
Viva Le Resistance! What are we resisting? Everything except flavour and refreshment - let's fight! Or brew :-)
- 1 Can Thomas Coopers Pilsener Malt Kit 1.7kg
- 1 Kg Briess Dry Malt Pilsen Light
- 150g crushed Pilsener malt
- 150g crushed Wheat malt
- 40g Hallertau hop pellets
- Fermentis US-05 yeast
Bottled off the WeFo Resistance Kolsch on Sat 15th Sep and was demonstrating a nice cloudy wheat haze and strong aromatics from the Motueka hop flowers. Nice light tasting beer with a fresh tannin bite that I expect to mellow after a couple of weeks bottle conditioning time. Should be ready to enjoy on Grand Final Day Sat 29th Sept 2012. Let's hope the sun is shining and the WeFo Resistance fights off the winter greys and blues.
Fri 18 Oct good hoppy nose from the Motueka hops, banana bite still present but noticeable how the fresh fruitiness dissipates over time