Viper XPA BeerCo All Grain Recipe Kit is a super light malt body eXtra Pale Ale that is fully hopped with fruit forward tropical hops and fermented out nice and bone dry. Rather like a Viper it slides down easy but be careful as there is enough in this XPA to make you forget her capability to give you a sting if you are not enjoying yourself responsibly. Two Malts - Malteurop Pilsen and Dextrin Malt and Two Hops - El Dorado® and Equanot™ dance off to the tune of OYL-004 West Coast I. The simplicity of this beer is its natural brilliance. If you like SMaSH beers (Single Malt and Single Hop) you will love the Viper XPA a TMaTH (Two Malt and Two Hop) harmony and balance in the top of your mouth going south fast - watch her, she has a sting in your tail!
Brewing Software Recipe Links:
Vital Stats:
Batch & Boil
- Batch Size: 21 Litres
- Boil Time: 90 mins
- OG 1.054
- FG 1.009
- IBU 59
- ABV 5.8%
- Colour 6.5 EBC
- Balance - 1.092 IBU/SG Bitterness Ratio
Amt Name Colour % Grist
5.0 Kg Malteurop Pilsen 3.8 EBC 95%
0.25 Kg Gladfield Gladiator Malt 3.0 EBC 5%
5.25 Kg TOTAL 6.5 EBC 100%
Amt Name Alpha Acids When Time IBU
30 g El Dorado [13.90 %] Boil 15 min Hop 33 IBUs
20 g El Dorado [13.90 %] Boil 5 min Hop 14 IBUs
20 g Ekuanot [14.70 %] Boil 0 min Hop 11 IBUs
50 g El Dorado [13.90 %] Dry Hop 3 Days Hop 0 IBUs
50 g Ekuanot [14.70 %] Dry Hop 3 Days Hop 0 IBUs
Liquid | Bluestone
- BSY-A010 San Diego (Liquid) 1 x Pitch
- Lallemand BRY-97 US West Coast Ale Yeast (Dry) 2 x 11.5g Sachets
Water Adjustments:
- 10g or 2 tsp of Gypsum (Calcium Sulphate)
- Fill clean Kettle with 16 litres of water at 67 °C. Add Mash Salts - 2 tsp or 10g of Gypsum (Calcium Sulphate)
- Mill the grains and dough-in targeting a mash of around 3 Litres of water to 1 Kg of grain (a liquor-to-grist ratio of about 3:1 by weight) and a temperature of 67 °C (152 °F).
- Hold the mash at 67 °C ( 152 °F ) until enzymatic conversion is complete for 60 minutes.
- Infuse the mash with near boiling water while stirring or with a recirculating mash system raise the temperature to mash out at 76 °C (168 °F). Mash out for 10 minutes.
- Fly sparge slowly with 14 Litres of 76 °C (168 °F ) water, collecting wort until the pre-boil kettle volume is around 28.5 L (6.5 gallons).
- The total boil time will be 90 minutes.
- Deltafloc or Irish Moss is added with first hop addition of 30 gram of El Dorado at 75 mins in or 15 mins remaining on the boil.
- Add second hop addition of 20 grams of El Dorado into the Boil with 5 mins remaining.
- Add third hop addition of 20 grams of Ekuanot into the Boil at flameout or 0 minutes remaining.
- At flameout, cool wort to 19°C (67 °F ), decant starter or open Liquid Pitch and pitch Bluestone Yeast or 2 x sachets of dry yeast into pre oxygenated wort.
- Over the course of the two-week fermentation, ramp the temperature up to 23°C (73 °F ) to ensure full attenuation.
- On approximately Day 5 of fermentation when attenuation has reached about 80 percent, add the first dry hop addition of 50 grams of El Dorado .
- Wait 3 days, then remove the first dry hop addition and add the second addition of 50 grams of Ekuanot hops and dry hop for another 3 days.
- When finished, carbonate the beer to approximately 2.5 volumes (5 g/L) of CO2 (or add 125g of table sugar or 180g of Light Dried Malt Extract if bottling) and drink fresh. Prost!