Chicory Root | Roasted Cut | Cichorium intybus


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SKU: 46758-1KG

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Size: 1 Kg

Chicory, (Cichorium intybus), is a blue-flowered perennial plant of the family Asteraceae. Native to Europe and introduced into the United States late in the 19th century.  Roasted ground Chicory Root can be used as a caffeine-free subsitute for Coffee.  Chicory Root has been used in Gin, Infused Vodka and Whisky and Beer.

Craft brewers use roasted chicory to add flavor to their stouts and other styles brewed with coffee and roasted malts.  It is also commonly found in Root Beer.

Some beer brewers use roasted chicory to add flavor to stouts (commonly expected to have a coffee-like flavour). Others have added it to strong blond Belgian-style ales, to augment the hops, making a witlofbier, from the Dutch name for the plant.

Root chicory has been cultivated in Europe and America as a coffee substitute. The roots are baked, roasted, ground, and used as an additive, especially in the Mediterranean region (where the plant is native). As a coffee additive, it is also mixed in Indian filter coffee, and in parts of Southeast Asia, South Africa, and southern United States, particularly in New Orleans.


Root Roasted Cut

Pack Sizes:

  • 100g
  • 1 Kg (SAVE 42% OFF 100g Price)
  • 5 Kg
  • 25 Kg

Common Name: Chicory

Botanical Name: Cichorium intybus L.

Country of Origin: India 

Batch: B 388108 Best Before 13 July 2025

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