Remember Me | ESB | BeerCo All Grain Brewers Recipe Kit


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Milled: Yes
Yeast: Dry

In this day and age of being way too fancy and never stopping, it’s nice to sit back and reminisce about the classics. Remember the time when you didn’t worry about squeezing into skinny jeans, Insta or FB every beverage you’ve tried or listening to music that made your ears hurt? Us neither.

Time to look past the latest fads and just enjoy some uncomplicated flavours.

That’s where the Remember Me? ESB fits in. It’s not the glamour of the party, it’s just a good friend.

Cheers! #brewhappy #drinkhappier #enjoyresponsibly

Vital Stats:

Batch & Boil

  • Batch Size: 19 Litres
  • Boil Time: 60 mins


  • OG 1.046
  • FG 1.010
  • IBU 35.4
  • ABV 4.7%
  • Colour 32.7 EBC
  • Balance – 0.628 IBU/SG Bitterness Ratio


Amt       Name                                             Colour                   % Grist

4.50 kg      Joe White Traditional Ale                     (6.5 EBC)                       82%
0.40 kg      
Gladfield Dark Crystal Malt                 (450 EBC)                        7%
0.35 kg      
Gladfield Brown Malt                            (135 EBC)                        6%
0.25 kg     
 Gladfield Biscuit Malt                             (70 EBC)                          5%
5.50 kg      TOTAL                                                                                                100%



Liquid | Bluestone Yeast

Dry | Lallemand Danstar


  1. Mill the grains and dough-in targeting a mash of around 3 Litres of water to 1 Kg of grain (a liquor-to-grist ratio of about 3:1 by weight) and a temperature of 67 °C (152 °F).
  2. Hold the mash at 67 °C (152 °F) until enzymatic conversion is complete.
  3. Infuse the mash with near boiling water while stirring or with a recirculating mash system raise the temperature to mash out at 76 °C (168 °F).  Mash out for 10 minutes.
  4. Fly Sparge slowly with 10 Litres of 77 °C (170 °F) water, collecting wort until the pre-boil kettle volume is around 25.0 L.
  5. Add 80gm of Fuggle UK Hops at start of boil.
  6. The total boil time will be 60 minutes. 
  7. Optional: add Deltafloc tablet or Irish Moss tablet with 15 mins of boil remaining.
  8. Pitch with Bluestone Liquid Yeast or Lallemend Ale yeast
  9. Add 20gm of Fuggle UK Hops after 3 days for a maximum of 3 days.
  10. Yeast & Fermentation - Aerate well and ferment at 18-21° C until FG is reached or your hydrometer readings are constant over 2-3 days.