Viper XPA BeerCo All Grain Recipe Kit is a super light malt body eXtra Pale Ale that is fully hopped with fruit forward tropical hops and fermented out nice and bone dry. Rather like a Viper it slides down easy but be careful as there is enough in this XPA to make you forget her capability to give you a sting if you are not enjoying yourself responsibly. Two Malts - Malteurop Pilsen and Dextrin Malt and Two Hops - El Dorado® and Equanot™ dance off to the tune of West Coast Ale Yeast. The simplicity of this beer is its natural brilliance. If you like SMaSH beers (Single Malt and Single Hop) you will love the Viper XPA a TMaTH (Two Malt and Two Hop) harmony and balance in the top of your mouth going south fast - watch her, she has a sting in your tail!
Brewing Software Recipe Links:
Vital Stats:
Batch & Boil
- Batch Size: 21 Litres
- Boil Time: 90 mins
- OG 1.054
- FG 1.009
- IBU 59
- ABV 5.8%
- Colour 6.5 EBC
- Balance - 1.092 IBU/SG Bitterness Ratio
Amt Name Colour % Grist
5.0 Kg Malteurop Pilsen 3.8 EBC 95%
0.25 Kg Gladfield Gladiator Malt 3.0 EBC 5%
5.25 Kg TOTAL 6.5 EBC 100%
Amt Name Alpha Acids When Time IBU
30 g El Dorado [13.90 %] Boil 15 min Hop 33 IBUs
20 g El Dorado [13.90 %] Boil 5 min Hop 14 IBUs
20 g Ekuanot [14.70 %] Boil 0 min Hop 11 IBUs
50 g El Dorado [13.90 %] Dry Hop 3 Days Hop 0 IBUs
50 g Ekuanot [14.70 %] Dry Hop 3 Days Hop 0 IBUs
Liquid | Bluestone
- BSY-A010 San Diego (Liquid) 1 x Pitch
- Lallemand BRY-97 US West Coast Ale Yeast (Dry) 2 x 11.5g Sachets
Water Adjustments:
- 10g or 2 tsp of Gypsum (Calcium Sulphate)
- Fill clean Kettle with 16 litres of water at 67 °C. Add Mash Salts - 2 tsp or 10g of Gypsum (Calcium Sulphate)
- Mill the grains and dough-in targeting a mash of around 3 Litres of water to 1 Kg of grain (a liquor-to-grist ratio of about 3:1 by weight) and a temperature of 67 °C (152 °F).
- Hold the mash at 67 °C ( 152 °F ) until enzymatic conversion is complete for 60 minutes.
- Infuse the mash with near boiling water while stirring or with a recirculating mash system raise the temperature to mash out at 76 °C (168 °F). Mash out for 10 minutes.
- Fly sparge slowly with 14 Litres of 76 °C (168 °F ) water, collecting wort until the pre-boil kettle volume is around 28.5 L (6.5 gallons).
- The total boil time will be 90 minutes.
- Deltafloc or Irish Moss is added with first hop addition of 30 gram of El Dorado at 75 mins in or 15 mins remaining on the boil.
- Add second hop addition of 20 grams of El Dorado into the Boil with 5 mins remaining.
- Add third hop addition of 20 grams of Ekuanot into the Boil at flameout or 0 minutes remaining.
- At flameout, cool wort to 19°C (67 °F ), decant starter or open Liquid Pitch and pitch Bluestone Yeast or 2 x sachets of dry yeast into pre oxygenated wort.
- Over the course of the two-week fermentation, ramp the temperature up to 23°C (73 °F ) to ensure full attenuation.
- On approximately Day 5 of fermentation when attenuation has reached about 80 percent, add the first dry hop addition of 50 grams of El Dorado .
- Wait 3 days, then remove the first dry hop addition and add the second addition of 50 grams of Ekuanot hops and dry hop for another 3 days.
- When finished, carbonate the beer to approximately 2.5 volumes (5 g/L) of CO2 (or add 125g of table sugar or 180g of Light Dried Malt Extract if bottling) and drink fresh. Prost!