Gladfield Roasted Barley


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Bag Size: 1 Kg

Gladfield Roasted Barley, as the name suggests, is made from unmalted barley. It has a slightly darker colour than Gladfield Chocolate Malt range and is ideally suited for use in a Dry Stout.

Roasted Barley adds a lovely rich roast flavour and dark espresso like flavours to beer.

Like all roasted malts, it should be used fresh to get the best out of it.

Guidance for Use:

  • Adds a rich roast character and dark espresso like flavours.
  • Up to 10% of the grist.


 EBC Test Method Specifications
Moisture (max) % 4.5
Extract - Fine Dry % 72
Wort Colour EBC 1200 - 1500
pH 5.44
Typical Colour EBC 1350

Batch Analysis:

Complementary Malts

Package options

  • 1 Kg
  • 5 Kg (SAVE 20% ON 1KG Price)
  • 25 Kg (SAVE 40% ON 1KG Price)

Shelf Life

At least one year when stored properly in dry conditions