LALVIN EC-1118 from Lallemand Brewing was isolated in Champagne and its use is validated by the Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne (CIVC). LALVIN EC-1118 strong competitive character, its ability to ferment at low temperature, good flocculation and excellent alcohol tolerance, make Lalvin EC-1118 an excellent strain to be used in a wide range of applications (such as sparkling wines, fruit wines and ciders).
Pack Sizes:
- 5g Sachet
- 125g Sachet (SAVE 63% OFF 5g Price)
- 500g Brick (SAVE 88% OFF 5g Price)
Microbiological and Oenological Properties:
Classified as a Saccharomyces cerevisiae, (ex-bayanus)
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae bayanus
- Competitive factor
- High alcohol tolerance up to 18%
- Short lag phase
- Fast fermentation rate in a wide pH range
- Wide range of temperatures for fermentation including low temperatures (Optimal between 15°C to 25°C)
- Low requirement in assimilable nitrogen
- Low O2 requirement (especially at low temperature)
- Low to average production of volatile acidity
- Average SO2 production
- Low H2S production
- Low foam formation
Kinetics and Fermentation Temperature:
White, red and rosé winemaking: 25 to 40 g/hl Secondary bottle fermentation: 50 g/hl To restart stuck fermentation: 40 g/hl Note: dosage range is based on the must sugar content and sanitary state of the grapes and winery.
How to use:
Re hydrate Lalvin EC-1118 in 5 times its weight of potable water at 40°C. Let stand for at least 20 minutes then gently stir occasionally to break up any clumps. Add to the must.
- The total rehydration duration should never exceed 45 minutes
- Avoid cold shocking the yeast. the temperature drop between the must to be inoculated and the rehydration medium should never be above 10°c (in case of doubt, please contact your supplier or Lallemand)
- It is essential to re-hydrate the yeast in a clean container.
- Initial rehydration in must is not advisable.