Novozymes | Ultraflo® Prime


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Size: 25 Kg

Novozynes Ultraflo® Prime is a high-performing blend of cellulase and a GH-10 family arabinoxylanase. With Ultraflo® Prime, you can most efficiently degrade both major cell wall components, even when using undermodified malt. The result is minimum viscosity and the best wort separation and beer filtration.

Pack Sizes:

  • 25 Kg Canister Novozymes | Ultraflo® Prime

Product features, details and benefits:


Faster wort separation

Slow mash separation negatively affects the quality of the wort. That may lead to problems with beer filtering, flavor, and stability. This product delivers a thorough breakdown of beta-glucans and pentosans during mashing. The result is faster wort separation.

Increased brewhouse capacity

This product delivers consistent, fast and efficient wort separation. That allows you to maximize your number of brews per day.

Faster beer filtration

Beta-glucans and arabinoxylans create high wort viscosity. This slows down mash filtration. This product effectively breaks down glucans and arabinoxylans. The result is lower viscosity and faster beer filtration. That allows for high volumes of beer per filter run.

Haze reduction in final beer

B-Glucan that hasn't been broken down by enzymes can appear as haze in your final beer. This product breaks down beta-glucans to reduce haze formation.

Increase extract yield

By effectively breaking down cell walls, this product allows greater access to the starch. That allows you to achieve higher extract yields.


Applying higher mash-in temperatures (>62 °C) can be beneficial in terms of less staling flavor formation based on lipid oxidation products but also in reducing the duration of the mashing process. This product is efficiently degrading beta-glucan anad arbinoxylan at temperatures up to 80 °C and therefore allows complete flexibilty in designing a well working mashing-process.

Consistent performance for undermodified malt

Undermodified malt introduces significantly higher concentrations of high molecular beta-glucan and arabinoxylan into the mashing process and requires adjustment of the mashing process and significant increases of dosage of filtration enzymes. The highly effective and thermostable beta-glucanase and arabinoxylanase in this products results in a much more robust performance, reducing the dosage induced cost-in-use increase to a minimum

Enhance sustainability claims

This product's concentrated formulation allows you to reduce your number of deliveries. The result is lower handling costs and an improved sustainability profile.


Applying higher mash-in temperatures (>62 °C) can be beneficial in terms of less staling flavor formation based on lipid oxidation products but also in reducing the duration of the mashing process. This product is efficiently degrading beta-glucan anad arbinoxylan at temperatures up to 80 °C and therefore allows complete flexibilty in designing a well working mashing-process.

Avoid the formation of fermentable sugar for low alcohol beer


Ultraflo® Prime is a high-performing blend of cellulase and a GH-10 family arabinoxylanase. With Ultraflo® Prime, you can most efficiently degrade both major cell wall components, even when using undermodified malt. The result is minimum viscosity and the best wort separation and beer filtration.

Usage and Dosage:

novozymes Ultraflo® products are added to the mash tun during mash-in, starting when around one-third of the grist has been loaded into the mash tun.

Ultraflo® Prime  0.04 - 0.10 Kg / ton of grist (0.04 - 0.10 g / Kg of grist)

Optimum pH and Temperature:

The optimum working conditions for Ultraflo® Prime are 65-80° and a pH of 3.0-5.5.

Graph 8 and 9 illustrate the performance of Ultraflo Prime in degrading beta-glucan and arabinoxylan depending on pH and temperature.

Graph 8: Temperature dependency of Ultra/lo Prime.  Graph 9: pH dependency of Ultraflo Prime.

Product data

Ultraflo® Prime
Declared enzyme: Cellulases and endo-1,4-beta-xylanase
Catalyzes the following reaction: Cellulases hydrolyzing 1,4-linkages in (1-> 3, 1 ->4)-beta-D-glucans Endo-1,4-beta-xylanase hydrolyzes (1,4)-beta-D-xylosidic linkages in xylans.
Declared activity:  210 FBG/g 500 FXU-S/g
E.C/ 1.U.B. no.: and
Physical form: Liquid
Production method: The enzyme product is manufactured via fermentation of
microorganisms absent in the final product. The production organisms
are improved by means of modern biotechnology
Density: 1.24 g/ml

Safe handling:

This product contains enzymes. While enzymes are safe to use in consumer applications, they need correct handling in working environments to ensure workers’ safety.

Indeed, repeated inhalation of enzyme dust or aerosols resulting from improper handling may induce sensitization and may cause allergic type 1 reactions in sensitized individuals.

Please follow the precautionary handling recommendations below:

  • Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray
  • Avoid contact with eyes, skin, or clothing
  • In case of inadequate ventilation wear respiratory protection
  • IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing
  • If experiencing respiratory symptoms: Call a POISON CENTER or a doctor
  • Store in a dry place. Store in a closed container
  • Dispose of contents/containers in accordance with local regulations
  • For more safety information, please watch the entire series of safety videos.

How enzymes improve wort separation and beer filtration in brewing

Glucans and arabinoxylans absorb water, making the wort viscous and slowing filtration. They also stop enzymes from breaking down starch. That leads to lower yields and haze in the final beer. Filtration enzymes hydrolyze glucans and arabinoxylans to polysaccharides. The result is faster, more efficient separation and filtration.

The cell walls of barley and other cereal grains contain mixed-linked 1,3-1,4 β-glucans and arabinoxylans. These have a high molecular weight, which impacts the efficiency of separation and filtration. 

The amounts and ratios of these molecules differ from grain to grain. Barley, oats and sorghum have more β-glucan molecules than xylan molecules. The ratio is more than two to one. Wheat and rye have the opposite ratio, with more than twice as much xylan as β-glucan. 

β-glucans and arabinoxylans are very hygroscopic; they absorb water. That makes the wort very viscous and dramatically reduces mash filtration speed. When they absorb water, β-glucans and arabinoxylans also become greasy. That makes them stick to other grain components and to filter aids and membranes. They can also stick to starch molecules, making starch less available for enzymatic degradation. That can lead to lower brewhouse yields and haze in the final beer. 

Filtration enzymes hydrolyze mixed-linked 1,3-1,4 β-glucans and arabinoxylans to polysaccharides. Unlike malt enzymes, thermostable filtration enzymes can withstand high temperatures. That means they stay active during the entire mashing. The result is faster, more efficient wort separation and beer filtration. 

More information can be found in the “Brewing Handbook”.


    Please see the Ultraflo® Prime - Product Data Sheet

    Safety, handling and storage

    Recommended storage: 0-10 °C (32-50 °F) Packaging must be kept intact, dry, and away from sunlight. Please follow the recommendations and use the product before the best-before date to avoid the need for a higher dosage.

    Best before: You will find the best-before date in the certificate of analysis or on the product label. The product gives optimal performance when stored as recommended
    and used prior to the best-before date.