Storytime with Gabi & Doug Michael @GladfieldMalt
In front of every good man there is an even greater woman. Spend some time getting to know 'the better half' of @Gladfield Malt and what it takes to grow a family business from the 'grain' up! Starting your own business is hard to do in your home country, let...
The Search for Great Beer begins with a great Barley Harvest
For most of the year it is easy to forget that beer is a seasonal product. Brewing relies on both the early-mid summer barley harvest and the late summer hop harvest for its raw brewing materials. The raw barley must then first be germinated and dried in a process called...
anhc4 - There's Something About Malty - Caleb DeFrees - Gladfield Malt Keynote
Caleb DeFrees New Product Development, Laboratory, Quality & Safety Manager – from Gladfield Malt NZ shares some insight into the Malting process from seed to beer at ANHC4 - the Australian National Homebrewers Conferece 2014 Caleb manages New Product Development, Laboratory Analysis, Quality and Safety at Gladfield Malt in New Zealand. His...