Fiery Monkey | Amber Ale
an All Grain American Amber Ale brewed and designed by Roger Lew & Dermott Dowling
The Fiery Monkey Amber Ale was brewed in honor of the impending arrival of Kyle Lew aka "the fiery monkey". Due into this world just shy of Christmas 2016 it was duely decided the next brew in our "brew for a mate" series might as well be one for the arrival of Rog & Lil's first born son who has taken to his moniker in no uncertain terms and certainly has a fondness for a loud monkey like scream and a penchant for not sleeping much. Little did we know the beer for his first moon party and head wetting would be an omen of things to come for his Ma and Pa! Born into the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Monkey and with his father's fondness for an Amber Ale - in balance we decided to set about brewing this beer in Movembeer in order for Rog & Lil to have plenty of well conditioned stock of "the Fiery Monkey" Amber Ale for his first moon party in early January. Enough of the back story on with the show and a few pics of brew day with Rog at Rancho Relaxo which finished with a nice bottle of Kriek! - cheers #brewhappy

Vital Stats:
Batch Size 21 Litres (US 5 gallon)
Boil Time 60 min
OG 1.060
FG 1.013
IBU 45
ABV 6.1%
Color 11 SRM
Balance Bitter
Amount Fermentable Use PPG Color
4.8 kg
Gladfield American Ale Malt Mash 37 1 °L
0.6 kg
Gladfield Gladiator Malt Mash 33 4 °L
0.6 kg
Gladfield Dark Crystal Malt Mash 33 75 °L
Drinkers comments - Rog & Dermott "The use of Dark Crystal Gladfield Malt produced a rather sweet amber ale, our second attempt to refine this recipe we would suggest replacing the Dark Crystal with
Supernova Malt for a dry Amber ale"
Amount Hop Time Use Form AA
20 gm
Crosby Nugget (US) 60 min Boil Pellet 13.9%
40 gm
Crosby Cascade (US) 5 min Boil Pellet 5.1%
20 gm
Centennial (US) 5 min Boil Pellet 9.3%
10 gm Crosby
Chinook (US) 5 min Boil Pellet 13.4%
Name Lab/Product Attenuation
Nottingham Ale Yeast Danstar Lallemand 77.5% (Dry)
GY001 Nor Cal Ale #1 GigaYeast 76-80% (Liquid)
Step by Step
1. Mash grains at 152 °F (67 °C) for 60 minutes.
2. Sparge to collect roughly 6.5 gallons (25 L) of wort.
3. Boil for 60 minutes adding hops at times indicated. Cool wort to pitching temperature as quickly as possible, 65–75 °F (18–24 °C).
4. Yeast & Fermentation - Transfer wort to sanitized fermenter then pitch the yeast. Ferment at 65–68 °F (18–20 °C).
5. Dry hops are added loose to the carboy and soaked for two weeks after primary fermentation is complete. Bottle as usual. NB: For the Firey Monkey no dry hopping was done. Carbonate to 2.0 to 2.5 volumes. NB: for the Fiery Monkey we under carbonated and would recommend you reach for the higher end of the carbonation guidelines.
We hop you love this recipe as much as we did brewing and drinking it with friends and family to celebrate the arrival of young Kyle into this wonderful world of beer and more...the fiery monkey! :-)