Maineliner - IPA - Homebrew Recipe - BeerCo
Dermott Dowling
Everyone has a craft beer epiphany – yours could be sitting on the front or back deck with a Sundowner, or a Golden Ale at the pub or if you live somewhere near Maine in the US it might be an Epiphany from Foundation Brewing Company – a Maine IPA or a Maineliner as we are going to call this take on their new style. Sounds so good we thought you better brew your own at home and pay tribute to the creators of styles and givers of craft beer epiphanies – cheers you Mainelanders!
Maineliner IPA
Selected Style and BJCP Guidelines
- 14B-India Pale Ale(IPA)-American IPA
Vital Stats:
Ingredient Amount %
- Gladfield Ale 3.00 kg 46 %
- Gladfield Pilsner 3.00 kg 46 %
- Harraways Rolled Oats 0.50 kg 8 % Total Grain Bill 6.50 kg 100%
Variety Alpha Amount IBU Form When
Crosby Nugget 13.9 % 30 gm 40 Loose Pellet Hops 60 mins – start of boil Crosby Columbus 12.0 % 20 gm 13 Loose Pellet Hops 15 mins – from end of boil + 20g dry hop 72 hours from end of fermentation Crosby Cascade 5.1 % 20 gm 4 Loose Pellet Hops 10 mins – from End of Boil + 40g dry hop 72 hours from end of fermentation Simcoe 14.1 % 20 gm 6 Loose Pellet Hops 5 mins – from end of boil + 20g dry hop 72 hours from end of fermentationYeast:
- DRY: 2 x Sachets of Danstar Windsor Ale yeast – this will produce an estery English style ale character to complement the hops aromatics
- LIQUID: If you want an aromatic yeasty East Coast Style IPA chose this one – GigaYeast Vermont IPA GY054
- Mash – the brewer should do normal mash regime, mashing at 66 C for at least 65 mins
- Sparge – once again the brewer should do normal regime at around 76C
- Boil – vigorous boil for 60 mins
- Hops: Add 30g of Nugget or clean bittering hops @60 mins, 20g of Columbus @15 mins, 20g of Cascade @10 mins and 20 g of Simcoe @ 5 mins from end of boil.
- Pitch Yeast & Fermentation – Aerate well and ferment at 18C until FG is reached or terminal gravity is table for two days.
- Yeast off and dry hop after primary for 72 hours with 1g/L of Crosby Columbus and Simcoe and 2g/L of Crosby Cascade.
- Crash chill and bottle or keg as normal.
- Mature for 10 days before carbonating.