Zappa - Sour Peach Ale - BeerCo - Recipe
Dermott Dowling
Frank Zappa once sang about "sitting on the beaches looking at the peaches"... Whilst, there was no sitting on the beaches looking at the peaches here, there was a lot of sitting on the back deck watching the peaches grow in the garden and thinking of ways to incorporate the bounty of the home orchard into a #sour #lambic #homegrown #homebrew with some luscious fresh #harvest peaches that needed to be put to work on a straight unblended lambic of Bulldogs Bite Golden Sour Ale II. So if you love sours & peaches stop looking & start brewing my friend! Hope this gets you going down the rabbit hole of sours homebrewing...cheers...ps this stuff takes time...we are 10 months in and at least another 2 years to go before consumption...#brewhappy

5. 24 Jan 2016 Racked again of the Peaches Pure into a third fermentation in a DemiJohn

- Style BJCP 2008 : 17.D Straight (Unblended) Lambic
- OG/FG/IBU 1.0419 / 1.0105 / 8
- SRM 5
- ABV 4.1%
- Water 12.61 L Water
- Batch Size 9.46 L (Picobrew / double all ingredients for standard 19L brewlength)
- Brewday: 23 August 2015
Gladfield Malt Bill:
- 50% Gladfield Pilsner Malt 1.30 kg
- 20% Gladfield Wheat Malt 0.5 kg
- 18% Gladfield Vienna Malt 045 Kg
- 6% Harraways Rolled Oats 0.15 kg
- 6% Gladfield Aurora Aromatic Malt 0.15 kg
- 100% 2.55 Kg
Type Amount (g) Alpha Acid % Time
Saaz 10 3.5 60 mins (start of boil)ADJUNCTS
Type Amount (g) Use Time
Irish Moss 3 Boil 10 mins from end of boilAMENDMENTS
Name Amount (tsp)
Calcium Chloride 0.5MASH
Single Step Infusion Mash 67 degrees celsius 90 minutesBOIL
- 60 minutes
Name Expected AA% Range Temp (C) Pitch Temp (C)
White Labs WLP655 Belgian Sour Mix I 75 17.2 - 23.9 20.6 You could use any of the following fine choices from GigaYeast:FERMENTATION DIRECTIONS
- Normal Ale Fermentation: Cool to 20.6 C and keep temperature consistent for 10 Days
Recipe Notes:
- Pitched onto West Footscrazy Flanders Red Yeast Cake Sun 6 Sep 15 - racked off into 2 x 5L glass carboys.
- Took FG 1.10 Tasting tangy, looking golden and cloudy and beautiful sick slic on the top of the fermenter - marvellous stuff so far. Will google for wood chips to L ration.
- Racked off into 15litre demi-john and topped up with a homebrew Belgian Tripel
- 19 Dec 2015 Picked & Chopped & Boiled for 2 mins 3.6Kg of homegrown harvest peaches from the garden (tx Frank Zappa) + 200g of raw sugar