Sour Brown Dog - Oud Bruin - Flanders Brown Ale Recipe
Dermott Dowling
Brew #2 on the Sours program and its time to brew up an Oud Bruin or Flanders Brown Ale recipe we have affectionately called the 'sour brown dog'. Another job for the Picobrew Zymatic which is fast becoming our go to machine for sours brewing as its a handy 10L batch size that works well with 10L glass demijohns for secondary conditioning in the shed.

Style Guidance:
- A brown, balanced, medium-bodied Flanders Brown Ale/Oud Bruin.
- Style: 17.C Flanders Brown Ale/Oud Bruin
- OG/FG/IBU: 1.0594 / 1.0143 / 22
- SRM: 21
- ABV: 5.9%
- Water: 11.85 L Water Batch Size 9.46 L (picobrew) double quantities for US 5 gallon / 19 Litre brew length
Gladfield Malt Bill:
- Pilsner Malt 1.15 kg / 45%
- Vienna Malt 0.60 kg / 24%
- Wheat Malt 0.4 kg / 16%
- Light Chocolate Malt 0.1 kg / 4%
- Harraways Jumbo Rolled Oats 0.1kg / 4%
- Aurora Malt 0.1kg / 4%
- Light Crystal Malt 0.1 kg / 4%
Type Amount (g) Alpha Acid % Time
Crosby Crystal Hops 40 2.7 60 minutesADJUNCTS
Type Amount (g) Use Time
- Calcium Chloride 5g (1 tsp) Mash 60 mins
- Calcium Sulphate 5g (1 tsp) Mash 60 mins
- Irish Moss 1/2 tab Boil 10 mins
- Yeast Nutrient 1 capsule Boil 10 mins
Type Temp (C) Time Style
Dough In 38.9 20 Infusion Mash 1 66.7 30 Infusion Mash 2 67.8 60 Infusion Mash Out 79.4 10 InfusionBOIL
- 60 minutes
- Repitched my house culture club made up of a Lambic Blend and Bottle Dregs from Lambics, Saisons and a Wild Saison and the dregs of a Petrus Oud Bruin into the primary
- You could get your own off to very a good start with GigaYeast Sour Cherry Funk GB150