Ireland is famous for a lot of things and one of them is the Irish Pot Still Whiskey style. Due to a malt tax inherited from England the Irish Distillers took to making their dram with both malted and unmalted barley and using adjunct like Oats. Along the way they discovered that not only did this bring down the cost of production but it enhanced the mouthfeel and flavour in unique ways. Once rested on wood for several years Irish Distillers have found that all sorts of delicious spicy characters come out to play - kind of like little Irish Leprechauns we think our Molly | Irish Pot Still Whiskey | Distillers Recipe Kit will have you dancing for joy!
Sláinte mhaith! #distilsafely always #enjoyresponsibly
Molly | Irish Pot Still Whiskey | Distillers Kit | Brewfather app Recipe
Vital Stats:
- ermentation Batch Sizes: 25 Litres / 6.5 US Gallons
- 8.3% ABV Wash or Distillers Beer
- OG: 1.066 FG: 1.003
- Mash Efficiency: 75%
- EBC 9.5
- Boil Time: 0 mins
- 5.00 Kg Joe White Distillers Malt (67%)
- 2.00 Kg UniGrain Rolled Barley (27%)
- 0.50 Kg UniGrain Kiln Dried Hulled Oats (7%)
- 7.50 Kg Total Grist (100%)
- 1 x 20g packet Distillers Yeast Whisky - Still Spirits
Water Adjustments (Optional: the accepted pH range for mashing is 5.2–5.8, with 5.4 considered the optimum.) The predicted pH on this Mash with no additives is 5.73:
- Calcium Carbonate (sold separately, NOT included in Kit)
- Citric Acid (sold separately, NOT included in Kit)
- 1 x 130g packet Still Spirits - Turbo Clear (included in Kit) to clarify wash
- 1 x 12g packet of Still Spirits | Alpha-Amylase | Distillers Enzyme (included in Kit)
- 50g (45m) of Still Spirits - Dark Spirits Nutrient - (sold separetely, NOT included in Kit)
- Mill the grains and dough-in targeting a mash of around 3 Litres of water to 1 Kg of grain (a liquor-to-grist ratio of about 3:1 by weight or around 24 Litres) and a 65 degrees Celsius (149 Fahrenheit). Add the Still Spirits | Alpha-Amylase | Distillers Enzyme once 20% of the grain has been mixed into the Mash Tun to assist with conversion of the unmalted Barley and Oats.
- Test the pH of your wash. The accepted pH range for mashing is 5-5.5, with 5.4-5.5 considered the optimum. Use citric acid to bring the pH down and calcium carbonate to bring it up. The predicted mash pH is 5.73 for this recipe kit.
- Sparge: Fly Sparge slowly with approx. 8+ Litres of 77 °C (170 °F) water, collecting wort until the fermenter volume is around 25 L.
- Pitch the Yeast - sprinkle on top of the wash.
- Allow to ferment in the temperature range 20-35C. A cooler fermentation will produce less esters and take longer to ferment for an arguably cleaner more pure flavour. A warmer fermentation will ferment more quickly and produce some more ester character to your wash and final spirit. Aim for the higher end of the range around 32-35C for a more full flavour higher ester Whiskey wash.
- Fermentation should be completed within 3-5 days. Wait for two consecutive days of consistent low Hydrometer readings. It is often good to leave your fermentation for longer to let lactic acid character and funk develop from the grain.
- Once fermentation is complete. Stir the wash vigorously to remove all of the remaining CO2. Once degassed, add the contents of Part A of Still Spirits - Turbo Clear 130g stir well, then leave for 1 hour to stand.
- After 1 hour, slowly pour Part B of Still Spirits - Turbo Clear 130g evenly over the top of the wash while stirring gently to help spread it evenly. Do not stir vigorously as this will disrupt the clearing process. Leave to clear for 24 hours. During this time Part B will drop down from the top, taking all unwanted yeast and sediment with it to the bottom. If you have temperature control of your fermenter or an old fridge feel free to crash chill to assist with clarification of your wash before distillation.
- Siphon the cleared liquid to your kettle and distill using a traditional Irish triple pot distillation. If the distillate that you have collected is above 62% abv, then dilute to 62 percent and age in an oak barrel or with an alternative aging method, such as oak chips, spirals or mini staves.
- Distillers notes: Traditional Triple Irish Pot Distillation follows the process below. Feel free to replicate or take a simpler Double Pot Distillation. Whatever takes your fancy. Remember there is Reward for Effort here like all things in Whiskey Distillation.

Molly | Irish Pot Still Whiskey | Distillers Kit contents:
Grain Bill (Milled or Unmilled)
- 5.00 Kg Joe White Distillers Malt (67%)
- 2.00 Kg UniGrain Rolled Barley (27%)
- 0.50 Kg UniGrain Kiln Dried Hulled Oats (7%)
- 7.50 Kg Total Grist (100%)
- 1 x 20g packet of Distillers Yeast Whisky - Still Spirits
- 1 x 130g packet Still Spirits - Turbo Clear
- 1 x 12g packet of Still Spirits | Alpha-Amylase | Distillers Enzyme
Optional Extras - Not included in Molly| Irish Whiskey Distillers Kit:
Equipment Required:
- 30 Litre AMPI HDPE Plastic Food Grade fermenter or larger with tight fitting lid
- Senior Airlock or S-Type Airlock and Grommet for Airlock
- Long Handle Plastic Spoon
- Hydrometer
- 250mL Glass Measuring Cylinder
- HI98103 Checker pH Tester
Distilling Aids:
- Calcium Carbonate (sold separately)
- Citric Acid (sold separately)
- Still Spirits | Dark Spirits Yeast Nutrient (sold separately)