Chai | May 2022 BeerCo Brewing and Distilling News

Chai | May 2022 BeerCo Brewing and Distilling News

Dermott Dowling

Hop your loving the autumn weather. We have our first Antartic blast here in MELbrewin' today and its bright and fresh as our attention turns to the coming winter...Stout Season...and have we got a treat in store for you....

So much to share so we will keep it as brief as a pair of stubbies shorts last summer!

NEW! Products check them out below everything from Agave Syrup and Maltodextrin to Wormwood and Hibiscus Flower an EZ Carbon Filter and UniGrain Kilned Dried Hulled Oats and Anaka | Chai Milk Stout - YUM!

Stass has done another great educational video on a Pratical introduction to Pot Distillation including Stripping Runs, Spirt Runs and Cuts.

Last, but not least its great to be back at events and see so many competitions back up and running in 2022 - check them all out on our Events Page. This month we have already dispatched some GOLD PRIZE packs to the Grafton Home Brew Competition and the Dubbo Royal Show and there are many more great events coming up!

Enough from me...on with the News...and have a great Brewing and Distilling month of May come what may as they say...

cheers #brewhappy always #distilhappy always


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New! in Stock!

Discover the latest additions to our Shop at

Organic Raw Blue Agave Syrup | Dark

Organic Raw Blue Agave Syrup | Dark



Hibiscus Flower | Hibiscus sabdariffa (Organic)

Hibiscus Flower | Hibiscus sabdariffa (Organic)

Wormwood | Artemisia Absinthium

Wormwood | Artemisia Absinthium

UniGrain Kilned Dried Hulled Oats

UniGrain Kilned Dried Hulled Oats

UniGrain Kilned Hulled Oats are Australian Wholegrain oats dehulled and kiln dried to create a natural nutty flavour.  The oats are kilned to a temperature of minimum of 98 degrees Celsius and the oat groats are in the kiln for a retention time of 3-4 hours enabling full gelantinisation. 

Oats contain starches and gums (beta glucan) which thicken the body of a beer. These remain in the beer after fermentation and can be perceived as an oily slickness in the mouth.

UniGrain Kilned Naked Oats require milling before being added to the mash.

Pack Sizes and Prices:

- 1 Kg Bag $3.95
- 5 Kg Bag $15.80 (SAVE 20% OFF 1Kg Price)
- 25 Kg Sack $59.25 (SAVE 40% OFF 1Kg Price)
- 500 Kg Bulk Bag - Trade $751 exc GST
- 1 MT Bulk Bag - Trade $1502 exc GST

Beer Styles:

- Hazy Pale Ale
- Porters and Stouts

Usage and benefits:

- Up to 25% of grist added direct to tun
- improves mouthfeel and head retention
- increases body
- imparts a smoothness and nuttiness to the beer
- has a pleasant oaty flavour
- may require rice or oat hulls if used in a high percentage of the grist to assist with lautering


- PO-1135C Best Before 21 April 2023

Azacca® – ADHA 483 US Hops

Azacca® – ADHA 483 US Hops

BRU-1™ US Hops

BRU-1™ US Hops

LUPOMAX™ - El Dorado® US Hops

LUPOMAX™ - El Dorado® US Hops

OYL-111 German Bock Omega Yeast

OYL-111 German Bock Omega Yeast


Balancing malt and hop flavours remarkably well, the OYL-111 German Bock lager strain is thought to be from the famous brewery in Aying, Bavaria. OYL-111 German Bock Lager Omega Yeast is superb for bocks, doppelbocks, Oktoberfest lagers, helles and as well as American pilsners.

Omega Yeast's metabolically healthy cells produce vigorous fermentation and consistent results for home brewers and probrewers alike.  Each homebrew pack (150ml) is packed with  225b cells.

Strain Type - Lager

Flocculation - Medium

Attenuation - 70-76%

Temperature Range - 48–55° C (9–13° F) 

Alcohol Tolerance - 11%

Similar to:

- WLP833 German Bock Lager White Labs

Wormwood | Artemisia Absinthium

Wormwood | Artemisia Absinthium

Still Spirits | Alpha-Amylase | Distillers Enzyme 12g

Still Spirits | Alpha-Amylase | Distillers Enzyme 12g

Still Spirits | EZ Filter System

Still Spirits | EZ Filter System

Anaka | Chai Milk Stout | BeerCo All Grain Brewers Recipe Kit

Anaka | Chai Milk Stout | BeerCo All Grain Brewers Recipe Kit


Nothing warms like a nice hot cup of chai, so why not try Anaka | Chai Milk Stout.  Anaka is spicy with a warming blend of seven spice chai with a decadent layered malt bill and a dash of lactose.  Anaka is as alluring as her origins - the original fabled Spice Islands.  Of course this will taste delightful in the depths of winter by the fire or fire pit but its an equally enjoyable cup of chai all year around!  Well, what are you waiting for?

Cheers! #brewhappy #drinkhappier #enjoyresponsibly

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Unit 1
Keilor East VIC 3033