Resistance | Kölsch | BeerCo All Grain Brewers Recipe Kit


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Milled: Yes
Yeast: Dry

Vive La Resistance! What are we resisting? Everything except flavour and refreshment - time to brew a clean simple in balance refreshing Kölsch you and your brothers and sisters can enjoy all summer long.  Light in colour but not light on malt character and with a modern Kiwi hop twist the only thing you will be resisting is the temptation to pour another glass.  Prost!

Cheers! #ViveLaResistance #BrewHappy #drinkhappier #enjoyresponsibly

Vital Stats:

Batch & Boil

  • Batch Size: 21 Litres / 5.25 US Gallons
  • Boil Time: 90 mins


  • OG 1.052
  • FG 1.008
  • IBU 25
  • ABV 5.8%
  • Colour 8 EBC


Amt    Name                           Colour       % Grist

4.00 Kg  Malteurop Pilsen Malt         3.8 EBC       95%

0.50 Kg  Joe White Wheat Malt         4.0 EBC         5%

0.50 Kg  Gladfield Toffee Malt         15    EBC         5% 

5.00 Kg  TOTAL                                 8    EBC      100%


  1. 20 gm Kohatu NZ Hops  - Alpha: 4.8% – 60 minutes boil addition
  2. 20 gm Kohatu NZ Hops  - Alpha: 4.8% – 15 minutes from end boil addition
  3. 20 gm Kohatu NZ Hops  - Alpha: 4.8% – 5 minutes from end of boil addition
  4. Optional: 40 gm Kohatu NZ Hops  - Alpha: 4.8% – 3 day dry hop at 18 C end of fermentation.


Liquid | Bluestone Yeast

Dry | Fermentis by LeSaffre

Water Adjustments (Optional):


  1. Mill the grains and dough-in targeting a mash of around 3 Litres of water to 1 Kg of grain (a liquor-to-grist ratio of about 3:1 by weight).
  2. Single Infusion mash at 65°C until enzymatic conversion is complete.
  3. Infuse the mash with near boiling water while stirring or with a recirculating mash system raise the temperature to mash out at 76 °C.
  4. Sparge slowly with 77 °C water (est. 15L), collecting wort until the pre-boil kettle volume is around 25 L.
  5. Boil: 90 minutes. 1st Hop addition of 20g at 60 min and 2nd Hop addition of another 20g at 15 mins from end of boil and add your Yeast Nutrient and any Deltafloc or Irish Moss at the same time. last addition of 20g at 5 mins from end of boil.  
  6. Cool wort and transfer to the primary fermenter oxygenating wort and pitching Liquid Yeast or K-97 Fermentis Safale Dry Yeast at 18° C ferment at 18 °C.
  7. Maintain at 18°C for 14 days or less until terminal gravity is reached. If you are going to do a dry hop use remaining 20-40g of Kohatu for a single 72 hour dry hop (3 days) before chilling to transfer to keg or bottle.
  8. Transfer to Corny keg and crash cool and lager for 2-4 weeks and filter using your normal method.
  9. Target a carbonation level of 2.5 volumes.
  10. Drink Fresh or Lager (store cold) for a few more weeks. Prost!
  11. Food pairing -

Cheese: Fresh white unpasteurised or full flavoured specialty cheese which is creamy and peppery, pairing perfectly with the peppery, floral hops in a Kölsch.

Salads & Bread-Based Dishes: Bring out the flavours in a fresh pear salad while enjoying the light fruity tastes of this delicate beer style. Or, complement its bread-like flavours while cleansing the palate with carbonation between bites of your favourite flatbread or pizza.

Credits & Sauces of Brewspiration & Further Reading on the Style: