How to Brew a Hard Ginger BEER easy with Buderim Ginger Beer Compound

How to Brew a Hard Ginger BEER easy with Buderim Ginger Beer Compound

Dermott Dowling

Discover the Crisp Refreshment of Authentic Aussie Hard Ginger Beer with the NEW! Buderim Ginger Beer Compound distributed by your no.1 buddies in Brewing and Distilling Supplies.

Everyone loves the zing and refreshment of an icy cold Ginger Beer on a hot summers day.  What is not to love about Hard Ginger Beer?  The warm spicy glow that comes complete with crisp, cold refreshment.  The added bonus that this beyond beer beverage can be gluten free, low sugar and clean, crisp and refreshing.  We thought it was about time we brought you an authentic Aussie Hard Ginger Beer brewed from the finest Buderim Ginger Beer compound that is beery easy to Brew here she is in all her Ginger Geri Pro glory...

Geri Pro | Hard Ginger Beer | Guidance

A Hard Ginger Beer Recipe for Probrewers by

Everyone loves the zing and refreshment of an icy cold Ginger Beer on a hot summer’s day.  And what is not to love about Geri Hard Ginger Beer.  Her warm spicy glow that comes complete with crisp cold refreshment.  We thought it was about time we brought you an authentic Aussie Hard Ginger Beer brewed from the finest Buderim Ginger Beer compound. Toast your favourite Redhead when you raise a glass of Geri | Hard Ginger Beer! Make mine a Buderim Ginger Geri Hard Ginger Beer tanks mate!

cheers #brewhappy always #enjoyresponsibly always

Recipe Guidance on Brewfather

Vital Stats:

Batch Size: 1,000 Litres
Boil Time: 6 mins.

OG 1.028 FG 0.997
ABV 4.10%



Yeast & Nutrients & Buffering Aids:

Brewing Aids (Flavour, Sweetener, Acidity regulator):


  1. Hydrate your Y1 Seltzer Pure Yeast Add 2 x 500g to 10 Litres of warm water (1:10) at 35°C. Leave to rehydrate for 20mins then stir to fully dissolve just prior to pitching.
  2. Fill your Kettle with 920 Litres of RO or distilled or filtered water.
  3. Add the Dextrose and Rice Syrup and stir until dissolved. Add water as necessary to top up est. preboil volume of 991 L.
  4. Add 500g Pride of Ringwood T90 AU Hops 10.5% AA at boiling for 6 mins boil for 4 IBU to meet ATO Beer Excise definition.
  5. Cool to below 30°C add 1.5kg pack of N1 Seltzer Pure Yeast Nutrient & Buffering Solution, then add the rehydrated 2 x 500g Y1 Pure Seltzer yeast.
  6. Continue to cool the brew to optimal fermentation temperature 25 °C (77 °F)
  7. Check temperature: Maintain a constant fermentation at 25 °C (77 °F) and leave to ferment for 5-7 days for optimum results.
  8. Once fermentation is complete, cold crash to near freezing to drop out as much yeast you can.  Add 50mL of MagiSol® 300 | Silica Sol to assist with clarification.  Note: the addition of MagiSol® 300 | Silica Sol is routinely used in fermented beer at the transfer process. Stabisol 300 will have greatest effect if the fermentation is complete and the temperature is close to the freezing-point. The bulk of the haze-forming components are already insoluble, and together with other filtration impeding substances; they are absorbed by the silica sol and settle to the tank bottom. With this addition, a fast clarification is achieved, and this also leads to an optimisation of filtration.
  9. Carbon Filter or clarify with any existing filtering aids available to you e.g. centrifuge, membrane filter, etc so you have a clean and clear and neutral base beer.
  10. Transfer the finished Ginger beer into your blending or bright tank.
  11. Add 50 Kg of BeerCo Buderim Ginger Beer Compound (dose at 5% of total volume) to the finished fermentation.  Optional: Add Citric Acid and/or Malic Acid as required to sharpen taste and bring down pH to desired level. Below 4 pH is ideal for product safety and packaging stability.
  12. Optional Sweetening: If you would like to sweeten more the naturally Brewed Ginger Beer, we recommend using non-fermentable natural sweeteners if you do not have a tunnel pasteurizer.  Mix up a blend of Stevia and Erythritol and dose to desired sweetness level.  You can do this on the bench drawing a Litre or 10 Litres of your flavoured base and working the right ration and sweetness levels.
  13. Optional Preservatives:  We recommend if you are optionally sweetening your naturally brewed Hard Ginger Beer that you also dose some GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) preservatives.  Our Recommendation is: 250g Preservative 202 | Potassium Sorbate Potassium Sorbate (250ppm) 0.2-0.3 g/L range. Potassium Sorbate is typically used at a rate of 0.15-0.3% (if used alone) or 0.1-0.2% (if used in combination with other preservatives). Add 150g Preservative 211 | Sodium Benzoate (150 ppm).
  14. This ginger beer would like to be well carbonated. Additions of Preservative 202 | Potassium Sorbate and Preservative 211 | Sodium Benzoate are optional and will also act as a mild preservative and increase shelf life of your Hard Ginger Beer!
  15. This ginger beer likes to be well carbonated — try 2.4-2.7 volumes of C02 — and will stay good for quite a while in a kegerator.  Additions of Potassium Sorbate and Sodium or Potassium Metabisulphate or Campden Tablets or Sodium Benzoate are optional and will also act as a mild preservative and increase shelf life in the keg!

Well, what are you waiting for? It’s time to Get Your Brewing On! and Brew a Naturally Brewed Hard Ginger Beer!

If you need help with anything or wish to discuss the wide array of adjuncts and aids and fermentables for your next Hard Ginger Beer please do not hesitate to reach out to us at  or call us on +61 490 501 392 and have a great Brewing and Selling week!

Please Note: Legal Disclaimer

We are not here to provide legal, or tax advice and you need to check with your lawyer and professional advisors and the Australian Tax Office before you classify your naturally brewed Hard Ginger Beer as a beer for tax purposes.

Ingredients: Cost of Production




# units

Cost Exc GST

50 Kg Organic Clarified Rice Syrup 60DE

 $  159.95


 $       319.90


30 Kg Dextrose Monohydrate | Brewing Sugar

 $     47.95


 $          57.54




500g Pride of Ringwood T90 AU Hops 10.5% AA

 $     33.95


 $          30.86


Yeast and Nutrients and Buffering Aids:


Y1 SELTZER PURE YEAST 2 x 500g Bricks

 $     65.95


 $       119.91



 $  297.95


 $          89.39


Brewing Aids:


NEW! Buderim Ginger Beer Compound 50 Kg (5% vol)

 $  849.95


 $  1,931.70





 $  2,549.30

Total Cost


 $             2.55

per Litre


 $       127.47

per 50L Keg


 $             1.45

per Pint


 $          12.00



 $          10.91



 $             9.46





