Transparency | to You!
Transparency – we are not going to hide from you where your goods come from and who made them. Want to meet the grower – no problem, want to visit their farm or lab or factory no problem. Can we come too?
Transparency matters to You and Us! We like You! want to know where our ingredients come from, when they were made and their best before dates. We do not want to stand between you and our supply partners. We want to bring you both closer together. Our Search is Your Satisfaction. Looking for something to Brew and/or Distill Happy!? Give us a call and we will search, secure and procure it for you and if we cannot bring it to you, we will point you to a reputable reliable supply partner who can help you out! Drop us a line anytime at or call us on +61 490 501 392 and we will be only too happy to help you brew and/or distill happy and Brew like a Pro!
Speaking of Brewing and Distilling like a Pro! We have a lot of NEW! and exciting products to share this month in our BeerCo Brewing on with the News....
Malt of the Month - Crisp Cara Gold Malt - Hop of the Month - Spalt Spalter GR Hops - Yeast of the Month - GY134 Kveik #1 GigaYeast - Adjunct of the Month - Crisp Flaked Torrefied Maize - BeerCo All Grain Recipe of the Month - Mower | Cream Ale and an exciting pre-order of 200L ex Whipper Snapper Distillery | Upshot Barrels $895 inc GST - STRICTLY LIMITED 5 ONLY!!! and this month popular How to Brew like a Pro! Video Hot Side Hop Additions with Andrew from Stass Brewing.
Coming up on our Busy Brewers and Distillers Events calendar we are calling all VIC Craft Brewers - Please pen into your Diary Wed 27th November 6:30-8:30pm for an IBA Mash Up with Malteurop Australia - MD Master Maltster and Master Brewer Trevor your in-box for an invite later in the week from our co-host the IBA with all the details where and what time...SAVE THE DATE!
On with the Brewing us be transparent and serve...You!...Our Search is Your Satisfaction!